Global warming and raising awareness of it in 2007 is seen as scaremongering by some.
After all in the book I mentioned in my last post (Fuel's Paradise: Energy Options for Britain) global warming was discussed as a particularly serious problem.
The book was published in 1975 and we've only slowly got warmer and the hole over the Artic is closing up. "So what's the problem?", some people are asking.
Interestingly enough the Earth wobbles on it's axis and that is enough to give us global warming without all the hullabaloo of excess CO2 generated by burning fossil fuels.
And remember the earth is used to dealing with large quantities of CO2, after all that's what trees and plants absorb to grow. Also the oceans are a giant storage for CO2, because it dissolves in the water.
So is global warming a con? You could argue that it is...
But on the other hand we do some of the chemical effects that have warmed the planet up as scientists predicted. So maybe we do need to rush around and get it sorted.