I've been searching the Internet to see how other SEO companies are handling the phrase " globalwarming awareness2007".
It's intriguing to see the range of domain names.
If you look at the results you can see the following domain names are the top 10 on Google as at 22-01-2007:
- global-warming-awareness2007.org
- globalwarming--awareness2007.net
- swc-2007.com
- championcheap.com
- e-globalwarming-awareness2007.com
- earth-globalwarming-awareness2007.com
- blog.outer-court.com
- stork-games.com
- globalwarming-awareness2007.isabloodycloaker.com
- the-globalwarming-awareness2007.blogspot.com
And of course the number of search results continues to rise. At the moment a search on "globalwarming awareness2007" reveals there are 645,000 results.
Other contenders, who are bubbling under include:
- globalwarming-awareness2007.com
- globalwarmingawareness2007theblog.com
- globalwarming-awareness2007.promo-web.org
- seo-world-championship.osmose-tiger.info
- seo-contest.info/globalwarming-awareness2007
- jimwestergren.com/globalwarming-awareness2007
- spoonylife.com
- globalwarmingawareness2007.be
- globalwarmingawareness2007.org.uk
- eglobalwarmingawareness2007.com
- globalwarming.awareness2007.com
- infos-jeux.com/globalwarming-awareness2007
- global-pink-hat-warming.org.uk
- globalwarming-awareness2007.com
- globalwarming-awareness2007blog.com
- globalwarming-awareness2007.fr
- seoworldchampionship.com
- globalwarming-awareness.typepad.com
- globalwarming-awareness2007-1.blogspot.com
- globalwarming-awareness2007.pbwiki.com
- globalwarming-awareness2007.degoter.com
- global-warming-awareness2007.org
- topseo.org
- livefootballbusiness.com
- globalwarming-awareness2007blog.com
- globalwarmingawareness.info
- globalwarming-2007.com
- globalwarming.awareness2007.eu
- basimports.com
- seotroll.com
- chanstarwars.free.fr
- nokeywordinurl.com
- global-warming-awareness2007.info
- globalwarming2007.wordpress.com
- reddog-marketing.com
- latha-math.com
- globalwarming-awareness2007.brutalwoods.ne
I've not posted for 2 days which means I've slipped right down the ranks. I'm currently languishing below 200.
I'm not on the first 2o pages on MSN.com or Yahoo.com...
Well the answer is pretty easy. I've not been indexed yet.